Night falls early around Christmastime in Dreamscape. The world seems so quietly eager to go to sleep on Christmas Eve. It slips under the dark cover of snow clouds and pulls us all into soft slumber with it. And in the cold still evening, all the lights come on.
They sparkle down the streets, stringing scattered stars between the bare branches of the trees and lining the icy gutters of houses along the way to my home. I love to walk at dusk and watch the town become an unreal art display. It’s Christmas Eve. Where is everyone?
Maybe they’ve gone to sleep with the setting sun. I stand in the middle of the street gazing up into the falling snow. Far away, a bell is ringing. There’s music somewhere. And though the town seems almost deserted, I think I hear someone laughing.
Strange how it always comes back. Year after year, as I get older and change, and forget—it keeps returning. And we fall for it every time—the feeling like something wonderful is about to happen. We string the lights, ring the bells, go to bed early, because, once a year, we can’t wait for tomorrow. We keep looking ahead, counting days, even though counting days only makes us older, brings December to an end, and forces us to face a new year in the dead of winter. But we always do it anyway.
We feel the frosty wind on our faces as the earth turns. And we want it to keep turning. We know something’s coming in the morning. Something that will outlive time. Something that doesn’t depend on our fading memories to keep living in our hearts.
Christmas waits just over the curve of the horizon. It’s just another day in December. But every year, we fall for it.
Somebody said the people who walked in darkness would see a great light. And as I stand in the middle of the frozen street in Dreamscape, staring up into the snow, strange as it seems, I think I see it now.
So, I realize I didn’t do an official post celebrating the relaunch of Dronefall One last week. This was due to a sudden opening of a portal to the Void, which I rapidly accelerated through on my computer chair after breaking through the last technological barrier before publication. I was tired when I escaped the Void, too tired, unfortunately to report. But, now that I’ve recovered, I thought I had better write a post.
I don’t know if you’re already a reader, or if you stumbled across this blog post by chance maybe years after the fact. Either way, I want to introduce you to the Dronefall Series—a Christian cyberpunk story in six installments.
You’ll be following a 24-year-old woman named Halcyon Slavik—but you’re not the only one following her, it turns out. In chapter one, book one, she discovers she’s being tracked by a drone. I’ll warn you right now, if you can’t stand suspense, don’t get involved. It’s going to take her the course of the series to find out who’s watching, and why.
What to expect
The series begins with the reader more or less being handed a box of mysterious artifacts, or a file of intriguing, if seemingly unrelated documents. I’m going to need you to trust me. All of this is important. It will come back up later. Everything in book one is set-up for a hopefully entertainingly complicated tangle of events and reveals leading up to quite an escalation at the end. And boy, does it escalate.
I think it’s mainly the slowness of the slow-burn plot that made me classify this series as adult rather than young adult. It’s cleaner than the average pg-13 action movie you would probably see. I didn’t compromise on language, there’s no sexual content (there’s actually no major romantic thread in the whole series), and most of the violence is man vs. machine. I should probably write a full content guide for each book and post it somewhere. But for now, I’m just trying to communicate it’s not classified as “adult” due to not-younger-audience-appropriate content.
I tend to market the Dronefall Series more on the plot and concept elements than on themes. That’s not because there are no themes. It’s because I want you to find the themes for yourself and interpret them your own way. The whole cast has a lot going on. But I don’t like to make my characters into object lessons or personifications of values. They need to be real people, or I won’t be able to care about them.
This has led to the Dronefall cast being a bunch of weirdos with problems and opinions of their own. They all have some growing to do, like all of us. Halcyon, you’ll discover, is a very special case and is actually doing pretty well, considering. Not everyone is going to like Halcyon. I didn’t make her to be universally liked. She’s a dystopian heroine—those tend to be a bit polarizing.
How Christian is it?
Maybe you’re wondering, “okay, but what does the Christian element in this series look like?” I know a lot of people—even Christians—are wary of fiction that might end up being too preachy. No one wants to read a story where the faith message was awkwardly shoehorned in. Neither do they want it just sprinkled over the top like powdered sugar.
The Christianity in the Dronefall Series is absolutely essential. You couldn’t take it out and leave the plot and characters intact. It deals with a world where Christian beliefs might not be persecuted, but if those beliefs lead to action, no one is safe. Questions arise about exactly what actions are necessary, required, or acceptable in order to effectively stand up for the truth in a world full of lies.
This causes division among the Christians in Dronefall. At some point, anyone might find themselves in a position where their open resistance will be the only correct response to the powers and authorities that believe they hold claim to the world. These questions cause rifts even between the pastors featured in the story by the end. I didn’t want to shy away from the extremes. That would defeat the purpose of writing dystopian fiction. As the head pastor’s wife has taught her daughters in the books, we need to know our boundaries before anybody dares to cross them. Where do you draw the line?
I’m eager to have people read the series for this reason. I want people to think about these questions. Should we remain silent? Should we say something? When does our pretense of humility hide our fear of asserting the truth? What if resisting damages our witness? What are we called to do when time is running out?
There’s so much to explore here. It’s a six-book series. I’ve been working on it for most of my twenties, and I’m just getting around to finishing the last book. I think about this story every single day. I see it in the headlines and in conversations around me. I’ve been called to share it, even though I feel a bit under-equipped and short on skills and certainly resources to produce something impressive or professional. I know there’s a reason for this story.
Still, I can’t say I’m great at marketing it. And this book for sure will never make it big on TikTok. What are you supposed to do? Oh yeah, tropes. I should mention tropes before I sign off. Guys, I’m not good at writing tropes. I don’t know why. I guess it’s probably easier when you write romance. But I’ll try.
These are tropes, right?
Cameras everywhere
Autonomous robotic…things
High-tech underworld
Mysterious powerful organizations
Information control and manipulation
Altered memories
Loner protagonist
Secret identities
Is it real or is it staged?
Cyborg enhancement
A variation on the villain/hero mind-link
Unethical experiments gone wrong
Massive conspiracies
Moral dilemmas
Wow, I did it. I found a bunch of tropes once I started thinking about it. They’re just not very BookTok-y. That’s probably not a bad thing, though. Some people are kind of tired of TikTok’s disappointing recommendations at this point. Maybe this sounds like a better time to you.
If you’re interested, the buy links for the first three ebooks are all here.
And, if you want to know even more, (plus get my comic adaptation of Dronefall Chapter One to download for free) please join my email list! I don’t do social media, so my email newsletter is the best way to keep up with me online. Highly recommended.
Dronefall is a six-book series following a young Christian woman wo chooses not to be conformed to the ways of her dark twisted world, but instead to seek out the truth behind its web of lies and manipulation. It’s a futuristic world, but under its trappings of drone-swarmed skies, autonomous surveillance technology and centralized information control, it’s a familiar place.
I most often describe Dronefall as “Christian Futuristic Fiction” to laypeople, because I think that’s a genre everybody can understand without further definition. But at the same time, does that put it in the same genera as Left Behind? Is Dronefall “End Times Fiction?”
How would I classify “End Times Fiction?”
While End Times Fiction is Christian Futuristic, not all Christian Futuristic is End Times. Let’s nerd out about this a bit.
In this diagram, you can see I did something a little controversial. Here’s my logic. I find it easiest to categorize the broader genera of Christian Fiction by their time-periods—their settings on the timeline. Contemporary, Historical, Biblical, Futuristic. But if you think about it, End Times Fiction actually falls under Futuristic and Biblical.
Okay, so this graph isn’t perfect. You could group Biblical under historical, but I think most people who are looking for books would prefer it be its own thing. The events of the Bible occupy a different category in most people’s minds than some random story set in ancient Greece, for example. And in the same way, End Times fiction and Futuristic fiction are different things, in a way. End Times fiction, once again, deals with the events of the Bible.
The Rapture, The Tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist, Armageddon—actually, I would probably more accurately classify End Times Fiction as the intersection of Biblical and Speculative. Because, try as we might, we’re going to have to simply study and speculate to portray the events of Revelation in a literal fiction-story form.
But How Would I Classify Dronefall?
Well, the short answer is, it isn’t End Times Fiction, technically. It’s focused on a smaller scale, and doesn’t try to interpret the events of Revelation. Not because I don’t think we should try, but simply because I didn’t choose to build it around that. Here’s my chart-placement for Dronefall.
Speculative Fiction covers everything from fantasy to sci-fi to horror, in some cases. (Not all horror is speculative, unfortunately.) There is a growing Christian booklist under all these categories. Futuristic spec fic would be any of these genres set significantly into the future. Dronefall is set in 2043-’44. That’s coming up fast, but it’s still futuristic enough for me.
Then there’s Dystopian. Now, there is, of course debate on what makes a book truly Dystopian. Some argue that it has to be a society that is built on Utopian ideas taken to the extreme to the point of becoming a terrible place to live. If you go with this belief, an apocalyptic story isn’t dystopian, but a post-apocalyptic one could be, if, in the wake of the world falling apart, society rebuilt around a rigid order that, while originally meant to solve a problem, ended up creating plenty more of its own.
The looser definition is just a nasty broken society, typically with too much control by the elites, whoever they may be. Dronefall easily falls under this umbrella.
So, if you ascribe to the second definition of Dystopia, most all cyberpunk would be a dystopian subgenre.
What is cyberpunk?
When you look up what cyberpunk is, the phrase “high tech lowlife” comes up pretty often. Cyberpunk is a technology-saturated but typically run-down and chaotic world full of hackers, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and, notably crime. Cyberpunk typically focuses on a technologically advanced underworld with complicated confused morals and a lot of gray-area characters. Dronefall’s labyrinthine cityscape, overrun by semi-autonomous drones and fog-breathing trains, creates a fantastic backdrop for the questions and dilemmas Halcyon and her friends have to face.
Bringing Christianity into the cyberpunk world puts a whole new spin on it. While the genera is typically inhabited by antiheros and characters who will do what they can get away with by whatever means they have, the presence of an absolute moral right raises even more questions. Halcyon sees the oppression and injustice in her world and she knows there is a right and a wrong way to fight it. But where to draw the line? And when?
And who’s with her and who’s against her?
Is Dronefall set in the End Times?
Getting back to this question. Yes. Am I going to end by having all the characters Raptured out to escape their problems, so I don’t have to solve them? No, don’t worry. I wouldn’t do that to you. But people within the story aren’t afraid to talk about it.
Oddly, out of the Christian Dystopian books I’ve read, there’s very little to no mention of Jesus’s return, or the hope of Earth’s redemption ultimately being in His hands. I’m not sure why. It’s not natural for a Christian cast to not look for hope in the future that way. I want to bring that discussion back into the story.
Readers know, even in the era of fancy collector’s editions and aesthetic bookshelf setups, at the end of the day, a book isn’t just a product—it’s a destination.
If you’re looking for somewhere to go, I have a recommendation for you. I’ve discovered a new place and time—a rare one, not overcrowded with tourists and hyped-up by reports from all your friends who went last summer without you. The world of Dronefall is something new, fascinating, and full of rich detail you’ll want to come back to for a second look.
So, what have you got to look forward to? What does 2040’s Budapest, with its historic architecture and drone-swarmed skies, have to offer the traveling reader?
Well, there’s more than I can tell you in a blog post, but let me give you my top recs for things to do on your first trip to the world of Dronefall.
7 Things You Must Do When Visiting Cyberpunk Budapest in the 2040’s
Travel by “Blindworm” (jumping off not advised)
You won’t have much choice on this one, since the automated hydrogen train system has all but replaced any other form of transportation in the city. Still, you’ll find “Blindworm” travel extremely smooth and hassle-free. Coaches are comfortable and usually kept immaculately clean, and each one is furnished with both a speaker-system and an HD digital screen to keep commuters informed on the upcoming stops.
On the outside, the trains are sleek beautiful—white and silver, and always breaking out billows of fog through the “gills” of their water-vapor exhaust system. Their haunting wails can be heard echoing through the city from far away.
2. Drone-watch
In case you haven’t heard, most major cities in the world of Dronefall are ruled by drones. They watch the streets at all times, from all angles, constantly pacing along their preprogramed grid-lines. Aside from surveillance, drones are also utilized for basically everything else that could possibly be done by a UAV. Drones run deliveries, make repairs, put out fires, clean windows, and handle search and rescue operations all day and all night.
They come in a dazzling variety of models, and at night, their lights make streetlights redundant in busy areas. From an apartment balcony or rooftop bar, you can watch them flowing by like a river of colorful fireflies. But don’t get too nosy about where they came from and where they’re going. Tracking drones is illegal.
3. Ask random people on the street what Ambassadors of Humanity is doing
This one’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, but you can actually do it if you’re brave enough, I suppose. Mostly, it’s just going to get you a lot of weird looks. With all the public support for the elusive organization in Budapest, you’d think somebody might be able to tell you something about exactly what they do. Nobody can.
They can’t even tell you why the Ambassadors are buying up the whole city, bit by bit. It seems like people would want to know. It seems like they would be asking. But they don’t ask. Maybe you shouldn’t either. Disregard this one, if you want.
4. Visit the Barracks Café at midnight
Let’s move out of the bustle of the heart of the city a bit. There’s a sort of run-down neighborhood between District 3 and District 4 on the Buda side of the river. This is where it’s at, secretly. The locals here will tell you the cool kids hang out at a place they call the Barracks Café. It’s called that because of the rather unaesthetic building that houses it, which sort of looks like some kind of military housing.
Inside, however, you’ll find a surprisingly vibey place to chill, lurk and consume caffeine at all hours of night. It’s a lot like some of the city’s famous ‘ruin bars,’ but instead of serving the nightlife crowd who’s off work for the day, they typically serve the crowd that is just starting their work as the sun goes down. Don’t be intimidated by this crowd. They keep to themselves.
5. Go Roof-topping in District 3.5
But if you strike up a conversation, you might want to ask for these people’s recommendations on the best roof-topping spots in the area. Large stretches of housing and business properties in District 3.5 are abandoned. If you’re into scaling buildings and free-running while enjoying beautiful Budapest nightscapes, you should take the opportunity to go roof-topping in this neighborhood. (3.5 is mostly unwatched by drones, so do what you can get away with!)
From one location on a roof toward the edge of the residential area, you can get a fantastic view of the airport where, very occasionally, one of the huge space-planes from the world’s only commercial Exoliner airline will take off or land.
6. Seek out secretive Christian communities
If you can find them, some of the most welcoming places in the whole city are the ones the authorities will likely warn you to stay away from. Though not technically illegal, Christianity is no longer socially acceptable to mainstream culture in the West. This has forced believers to form quiet communities where they can live and worship God in peace from the privacy of their homes.
Barred from the city’s many beautiful historic churches, they have formed their own house-churches, where they gather weekly in supportive thriving groups of friends and family. Though they tend to be close-knit, they always welcome visitors.
7. Sneak out at night—who knows what you’ll see
The fact slips by many people who stick to normal routines, but the city isn’t even the same world at night. If you thought 2040’s Budapest was a little strange during the day, wait until after midnight. Things come to life and start to wander around, hunting. Drones fly low and lurk by windows. Mysterious sirens echo through empty streets.
Be careful. Nothing is safe when everything is anonymous. But don’t you wonder…?
Ready to Book Your Ticket?
Lucky for you, I’m paying your fare if you decide to sign up for my email list within the month of October ’24. If you join what I’m calling the October Club—my exclusive pre-release book club for the newly rewritten Dronefall, you will get the ebook free before anybody in the general public has access to it. I know. Not fair. But you’re invited.
With a rush of clear crisp wind and the scent of cinnamon, vanilla, and fallen leaves, October has arrived. Probably my favorite month of the year—and one I share with many book-lovers, I think. It’s a great time to pick up a new book (May I suggest The Boy Who Called the Foxes) or an old book (Hound of the Baskervilles, anybody?) But how about one that’s not even out yet?
I’m looking seriously at November for the long-awaited relaunch of the Dronefall Series. As some of you know, I completely rewrote book one of my six-book Christian dystopian series this year. The relaunch is going to be a big event, but in the meantime, I wanted to give certain people a chance to be on the cutting edge—and an exclusive look at the new Dronefall One before anybody else gets it.
What this isn’t:
No, this isn’t a street team or ARC reader recruitment. I’m not doing this to enlist help for promotion or get flashy reviews for launch-day. Think of it as the formation of a book club—one with very few rules or obligations attached. I wanted to give readers who actually were curious about Dronefall an exclusive experience.
Here’s the deal, if you join my email list in the month of October, in the year 2024, you automatically will become a member of the October Club.
What this is:
So, what are the benefits of joining the October Club, and where’s the catch?
The benefits:
If you are on my email list already, or join anytime this October, you will be sent a free ebook copy of Dronefall—the rewritten second edition.
You can read it anytime you want—or ignore it.
But you might want to check it out, because during October, I’ll be sending extra emails, giving you a behind-the scenes look at the rewrite and the vision behind it, as well as a chance for you to send me your questions and get answers.
You’ll be tagged as the October Club on my email list, so there’s a chance you’ll get October Club exclusive emails and content in the future.
The catch:
You have no obligation to review the book or even read the book, if it turns out to not be your thing. Like I said, you’re not a launch team. This club is for you and your own cozy autumn reading enjoyment. Of course, if you want to review the book when it finally comes out, that would be amazing. Thank you in advance if you plan to. But the book is really just a thank-you and a chance to give you a look at my heart and vision for the series before you support it. I really want to give you that.
How to Join
If you’re on my email list already, you’re automatically part of the October Club. No action needed on your part, just wait for the link to the ebook to drop into your inbox. I’ll send it out as soon as it’s ready.
If you’re not on my email list, go sign up! All I need is your name and an email address that works best for you.
One final reminder—this is a limited-time opportunity. To join the club and get the book for free you have to sign up before November 1st, 2024. The earlier in October you join, the better, since I will be sending some exclusive emails in real time, but even if you join on October 31st, you’ll still get the book.
So, join us for some cozy autumn nights in with a hot drink and a good book. Invite a friend or two to sign up with you so you’ll have some people to rant to, and I hope you all have the best October ever.
I’m done being nice. I’ve been trying to write this post for days, trying to make it a manifesto, a story, an extended bio—but it wasn’t happening. Because it was supposed to be a rant. It was always going to be a rant.
Over and over throughout my time working on the Dronefall Series, I’ve found myself asking the question, “All this for a made-up story? All this for a cheap paperback? Why?”
I absolutely love Dronefall. I love my characters, my setting, the twisted trajectory of the plot. But man, why do I put up with a process that’s hurt me so much? All that doubt and exhaustion, all that overwhelm and discouragement and raging sense of futility. It’s gotten worse and worse. I could have dropped everything like a lot of would-be authors do. I could have gotten married and moved to a new town and started a family and left this whole little non-sequitur phase of my life behind.
But I didn’t. And I think I finally know why.
God could have given me any calling. Anything He wanted me to do I could have done, and He would have used my work for the good of His world. But God made me a dystopian author. Dystopian authors write what they write because they see things in the world that too many people don’t notice. We want to open people’s eyes to the reality they live in and give them the strength to fight it.
We’re also just generally full of rage. That’s probably funnier to people who know me in person and probably think I’m one of those people who aren’t even capable of getting mad. It’s not the kind of rage that drives a person to blast their horn in traffic or go around picking fights on the internet, though. It’s something that keeps you awake at night and leaves your mind screaming, “this is wrong! This is wrong! God, please tell them this is wrong.”
And God answers back, “You tell them.” And so, you go out like the disciples to find that one kid in 5,000 who packed lunch that day. Here’s what I’ve got. I’ve got a weird knack for writing made-up stories. I have no idea how this could ever work, but stranger things have happened.
A Voice of Dissent
This society claims to care about our voices. The benevolent media gods look down and see those of us who struggle to be heard. They elevate the ones they deem worthy and bask in the applause they get from doing it. But it’s all a show to distract from all the other voices they stifle in the dark.
Because they don’t want anybody to think people like us exist. Particularly millennial and gen z Christians. We’re at the age where we’re starting to have some serious influence on the culture. They tried really hard to mold us and shape us into what they wanted the future to look like. The audacity of people like us even existing. It’s bad news for the Enemy. We’re proof there are cracks in the reality liars have tried to create.
The last thing they want is the generation that’s taking up the torch to keep carrying the light of Christ. That light exposes too much. And it’s too dangerous to the antichrist’s agenda.
I wrote these six books because when you write, nobody can talk over you or tell you to sit down and shut up. The books are going to just keep existing and people just have to deal with it. Whole countercultures can be born from art. I have something for the people who are ready to see what’s happening. Or, if you already see it, I want you to know I see it too. You’re not crazy, and you’re not alone.
The Reason
And we won’t quietly fade into the background while the world crumbles. The Truth won’t be mocked, shamed and silenced when the light is needed most. We need young adult Christians—not just hidden away in their own little circles only to be seen by those in their community and the occasional passing scoffer—but also those who aren’t afraid to step out and exist boldly and brightly in the world at large. Jesus will never be irrelevant, obsolete or a thing of the past. He goes ahead of us into the future, no matter how bleak it looks. I hope Dronefall makes a point of telling everyone that.
I don’t know how much sense I’m making. I just know I care intensely about my generation. We won’t be lost. God hasn’t forgotten us. I want my work to awaken the courage for us to live like we haven’t forgotten Him. Because you haven’t, have you?
It’s because I know people like you exist that I haven’t given up yet.
Please Join Me
If you care about my mission, I’d highly recommend you join my email list. Since I don’t do social media, it’s going to give you all the most up to date and exclusive info I don’t publish here on my blog.
Plus, you’ll get to download the comic adaptation of the first chapter of Dronefall for your enjoyment and a unique introduction to my story. I hope you enjoy it. I drew it myself. With markers.
Thanks for reading my rant. I hope, when you get to read the books in the near future, it will all be worth it.
A few summers ago, I got the idea for a prompt journal. It was around that time I realized my biggest adversary in my creative life wasn’t rejection, impostor syndrome, or people being rude on the internet. What gets me down the most is burnout. Writer’s block, art block, whatever you want to call it. Paralysis and lack of motivation seemingly from some invisible well running dry.
I created the journal pretty quickly. Several of my immediate family members didn’t know I was working on it until the proof arrived. I wanted to make something to help other creatives—especially writers, artists, and poets like me, who might be facing the same things.
What is the journal, exactly?
It’s a collection of 101 prompts. But these aren’t the usual art or story prompts. They’re not one word or even one sentence written at the top of the page. I wanted to go deeper than that. I wanted to jump-start the creator’s mind by beginning to expand on the ideas before handing them over.
Writing the prompts in the journal was a good exercise for me in itself. Each prompt is a suggestion—or multiple suggestions in one—of a story. These stories are both full of possible detail and wildly open-ended.
But there was another element I wanted to address with this prompt journal. I know a burnt-out creative mind is easily overwhelmed, so I wanted to make sure that—while giving you plenty of fuel for your smoldering artistic fire, I also provided some guardrails to keep you from pushing yourself to make every prompt a whole project. I only give you two pages per prompt to explore your story. As a result, you should feel the delight of finishing a mini piece after completing each prompt.
Another unique thing about the Burnout Journal is the fact that I intended the prompts to be used for whatever creative medium you like. You could be drawing, writing flash fiction, composing poems, experimenting with comic strips or even just rambling on in prose. Here’s an example or a completed spread, using prompt no. 2. I opted to draw a map and write up a little mock travel guide to my fictional self-portrait island.
Who is the Bunout Journal for?
Artists and creatives. I know. That covers a lot of ground. Though I’m not really in the camp that insists literally everything is a creative art (come on, now. Let’s not get silly.) I do think most people have a creative streak in them. It might not be highly developed as it is in those of us whose lives revolve around it, but I think a lot of people could get something out of this journal. Or should I say, put something into it.
However, there is a reason I aimed it at artists and creatives. Here’s the thing: if you’re kind of more of a normal human, burnout is going to manifest in other areas of your life probably more strongly than your creativity. You might struggle with energy or motivation to do things or feel sort of blah and directionless at work or in your social life. But if you’re a creative artist, when burnout hits, the main feeling is going to be, “Help! I can’t CrEAtE sTUFF!”
And maybe that’s the main difference between creatives and more normal people.
Where can you get it?
I published The Burnout Journal through Amazon KDP, so it’s available from Amazon right here.
Hopefully I can be a part of your escape from burnout and provide you with a refreshing way to shake off the doldrums and get back to doing what you love. Feel free to reach out to me in the comment section if you’re feeling creatively stuck. I’m working to make this blog a resource for frustrated creative types, so if that’s you, don’t hesitate to request post topics!
Synopsis: Amy returns to the mountain range on her own time.
I returned to the region in summer of two-thousand six. There were several sites of archeological interest in the valley, and I didn’t have much else to do. It’s really a beautiful place in the summer. The scenery kind of made me wish I was a nature or travel photographer instead. I took some time off while I was there to hike and gave myself permission to snap some photographs recreationally, which I hadn’t done in a while.
I was making my way through a narrow winding pathway through a dark stand of conifers when something caught my eye from beyond, through the trees. At first it confused me, so I kept moving toward it. As I got closer to the edge of the trees, it appeared as a bright orange blaze, like a silent fire consuming the clearing.
The trees thinned out and I found I had reached a high slope. The air was cold and bit my face as I emerged from the shelter of the pines. I stopped and gazed in awe. Never in my life had I seen so many poppies.
To this day, no one has been able to translate the scripts we found in the caves of Mt. X. The story of the people who once lived and died there may never be told. But I’m convinced I know something of them no one else does. I met their king one night. There was a blizzard and neither of us could sleep.
I don’t know what happened to him after that. He was driven by a longing for his lost people. Maybe he went to search the world over for them, or maybe he was simply looking for a warmer place to sleep. Whatever his quest, I wish him well.
Synopsis: The next morning calls everything into question.
I wasn’t troubled when I awakened the next morning by the fire alone. I knew it had been a dream. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that the whole expedition hadn’t been a dream.
The morning broke pale and still. The winds of the previous night had changed the landscape around the lodge, heaping snow twelve feet high here, and thinning it almost to bare rock there. I hardly recognized the scenery as what we had traversed yesterday on the way back from the cave.
After breakfast we all geared up and bundled up to return to the dig. I pushed eerie memories of the night before into the back of my mind and focused on checking my photography equipment. I supposed they would want to look for more firepits in other chambers of the cave. Personally, I was more interested in the layout of the cave itself than any of the artifacts. Lyle said there might be quite a few chambers in the cave that had been blocked by ice and fallen rock. Maybe more tombs.
The trudge back to the cave was even more exhausting than it had been yesterday. We had to stop twice along the way. I slung my camera-bag over my shoulder and climbed a craggy boulder at our second stop. At the top I sat down and stared out over the bleak glaring vista of Mt. X. We were about a quarter mile above the timberline. I wondered what the mountains were like in the summer.
I heard Lyle and the guide talking below, standing a bit apart from the rest of the group. “What do you do with a six-thousand-year-old corpse, anyway?” the guide wondered.
“I don’t know a thing about mummies,” said Lyle. “I suppose we’ll need to leave it to the experts. This is…unprecedented, I’m pretty sure. Never heard of anything like it in my life.”
“I’ve always thought this mountain was a little strange,” said the guide. “I’ve seen a lot of mountains, but nothing quite like Mt. X.”
“How’s that?”
“I can’t put my finger on it.”
They resumed their trek and in about five minutes they reached the cave. Snow was drifted high around the entrance and they had to plow through it a bit before they could access the doorway again. I carefully followed Lyle down the ancient steps into the muffled silence of the cave. A lot of the openings that had allowed up some natural light yesterday had been covered with snow overnight. Brilliant lanterns supplied the need now as we ventured deeper into the caves.
The lights glared on the tarp stretched over the stone sarcophagus in the center of the chamber. I didn’t stare it at. They called me from this corner to that to take pictures as they uncovered the remains of a mosaic floor, a set of sealed stone jars, more fragments of copper bells. There was a gap between the back wall and a massive deposit of ice. They widened it with chisels and the blunted blows of icepicks and hammers. The restless beams of flashlights danced through the glacial mass.
“There’s a doorway back here,” Lyle told me stepping back out into the main chamber. “Doesn’t look like a big room, but it’s something.”
I joined them exploring the new room. Firepits, markings on the walls, the remains of a torch of some kind—this day would be filled with my usual fare. There was some comfort in that. Maye we would even find some bones if we kept looking. It was so much easier to analyze skeletal remains than what was lying out there in the sarcophagus.
It was almost time for lunch break when I returned to the main chamber. The sun had broken through the clouds outside and light filtered through the ice and snow where the rock split and cracked to let it in.
“A lot of new data from this little trip,” I said, coming up beside Lyle and replacing my lens-cap. “I didn’t know these people even existed.”
“Yeah. This should trigger quite a bit of follow-up study.” He reached down and lifted the edge of the tarp over the sarcophagus. He glanced up at me. “I want to check and be sure the elements aren’t getting to it,” he said.
I nodded. Once again, I prepared to view the content of the ancient coffin as he gathered the cover back. And once again, neither of us were prepared for what we saw.
It was empty.
I don’t remember what I did in the time following our shocking discovery. For all I know, I might have simply stood there in the middle of the chaos and panic, staring at the empty box. They questioned each other. They accused the locals. They once again tried to deduce how they could have been hoaxed. It hadn’t been a real body. Someone must have opened the coffin before they got there. Other things that made even less sense.
The rest of the day went on like this. We completely ruled out the possibility of anyone stealing the corpse. We were the only people up here and no one would have gone to all that trouble to do something that might destroy the most extraordinary discovery of the century, which we all would have been credited for. No animal could possibly have dragged it off into the snow overnight. No one had seen so much as a bird the whole time we were there, and there was zero evidence of the tarp having been tampered with.
“Six thousand years, and the body dissolves into thin air overnight. A rotten shame,” said Lyle as we stood near the fire-ring warming our frozen fingers with mugs of coffee.
Neither of us spoke for a while. We had said everything. Everyone had said everything several times and now everyone was quiet. They had gone off to study what remained of our extraordinary finds. They were off in the corners of the lodge classifying the fragments of things—things the mountain people had brought the boy king. Bone flutes, copper bells, jars…pretty things. But what were they truly worth, in the end?
“So,” said Lyle. “Here’s the story: mass hallucination. Altitude sickness. How’s that sound?”
“No good. I’ve got pictures,” I snarled.
“Go ahead and keep that to yourself. We’re going to glean a lot from this expedition. It’s a pretty fair dig, isn’t it? Who’s the wiser? The tomb was empty when we found it. What’s there to explain? Maybe the boy-king was a legend after all. You and I know what you and I know.”
He didn’t know the half of it. I still haven’t told him.
I had been photographing sites for years. I had been to a lot of places and seen a lot of strange things. You’re bound to encounter strange things when you make it your life’s work to pry into the buried chambers of the past. But the voice of a child in the silence startled me because there were no children at the lodge while we were staying there. And I had thought I was alone.
He was standing across the fire from me, gazing levelly through the soft amber light. Once I pulled myself away from the eyes my attention flew to the circlet glimmering on his forehead. My vision adjusted so I could see him more clearly and the impossible became unmistakable. The little king had left his bed.
Strange in retrospect, I didn’t freak out as much as you would think. The first reaction I noticed was a profound sadness that crept up from deep inside me. What did it mean to a child to be undead, uncorrupted, and abandoned in an icy cave on a high mountainside? Poor lonely little boy. Poor forgotten waif. He couldn’t sleep.
Finally, my rationality returned and I shook my head, getting up, turning away with every intention of ignoring the apparition and going back to my room for the night. But as I made my way out of the ring of rustic couches around the roaring fire, I felt someone close behind me and whirled on him.
“Leave me alone,” I snapped.
Tears glowed in his huge dark eyes as he backed away from me. “Are you going to leave too?” he asked in a voice broken with anticipation of the answer.
I shook my head, trying to reply, but my voice didn’t come. I stood frozen in speechless horror as the childish ghoul remained a few paces from me, shivering in the cold, eyes running with ancient tears but continuously gazing up at me. His beautiful face pleaded with me. He wasn’t a deceptive devil of ashes and ice, he was a troubled child. Had he come out before to haunt the mountain climbers and the people who stayed in this lodge? Had anyone ever acknowledged him?
“Go back where you came from. I don’t talk to dead people,” I said, still hoping to awaken myself from this dream.
His breath hitched. “Dead?”
He didn’t know. At that, my resolve crumbled. I reached out for him. “No. I didn’t mean that, honey. Come here.”
He lowered his head, sending flashes of firelight from the stone on his brow, and glanced, uncertain, at my hand. Then he came toward me and I gently pulled him in. His head wasn’t even as high as my chest. I wondered how old he was. The small body was warm and surprisingly solid under the robes he wore, and his hair was thick and soft, but wet with melted snow.
“Did you walk all the way from…?” I didn’t go on. Instead I led him to the couch and invited him to sit beside me in the warmth of the fire. He pulled up his feet, curling into a ball and leaning against me, gazing with still-watery eyes into the dancing flames. “You want to tell me a few things?” I asked.
“What things?”
“I don’t know. Maybe why you can’t sleep?”
He blinked and laid his head on my shoulder. “I don’t like the dreams.”
“What dreams?”
“I dream about my people. They come into the cave and they go away again. They pretend they don’t see me. They act like they don’t know who I am. I miss them. They don’t come anymore.”
They’re dead! All his people are dead. How long has it been? How long has he been dreaming of them coming to his grave to mourn him as dead? But I didn’t ask him. Instead I asked him what any good archeologist would have asked. “What were your people like?”
He was quiet for a moment. “They made flutes from bones and played beautiful music. They were strong and built houses in the sides of the mountain and walls along the crests of the hills. They tamed the sheep and horses and planted banks of poppies just for the joy of seeing them bloom.
“And they wanted a king. They choose me to lead them. Everyone was pleased with me, and everyone knew my voice in a crowd. They loved to hear me laugh and would come and stay with me for hours just to listen to the things I told them.
“But after a while, they seemed unhappy. They stopped talking to me and talked only to each other. The men started talking about other places, and how their leaders were different. And they decided they didn’t want me to lead them anymore.”
He fell quiet and I sat thinking, trying to imagine the thriving civilization that must have been on this saddleback thousands of years ago. The poppies, the music, the horses—it was all gone now. Nothing remained but drifted snow, and the buried ruins in the mountainside. But why?
“Well,” I said at last. “Maybe they thought it would be better to have a leader who wasn’t a child.”
“I’m not a child.”
And that was when I realized he wasn’t.
He wrapped his arms around his knees and scowled at the fire. “But that was one of the things they said. They wanted a man to rule them. They wanted a king who would be wise and mighty. But years passed—many years, and I never became what they wanted. Other places they had seen had men leading them with war machines and gold and concubines. Other places they had seen had many kings in the time when they only had one. But what they wanted more than anything else was a king they could put in the ground and venerate as a man gone away. They wanted to have a treasury of dead kings. Like the other places.”
I couldn’t process all he was saying. But I kept gathering it like my files of photographs. I could analyze it later. “So, what did they do?”
For a long time, he didn’t answer. The wind moaned around the lodge and sang like a ghost in the chimney. Finally, he drew a small sobbing breath. “They put me in the cave and they told me I was dead.”
“They made you stay in the cave?”
He nodded. He rubbed his wrist across his eyes and ducked his head, unable to go on for a while. Then he took a deep breath. “They came now and then. They burned herbs and resin and carved things on the walls, but they didn’t talk to me. They didn’t even look at me. And they never stayed for very long. Sometimes they would leave me things. Bone flutes and copper bells and jars full of flowers—pretty things. But I really just wanted them to stay.” Then he looked up at me. “Are you going to leave too?”
I smoothed my hand through his long wavy hair and wrapped my arm around him. He settled against my shoulder again. “Not tonight,” I said.
So, they had always had a boy king. The same king for years—decades? Centuries? How long had he lingered in the form of a child, leading the people in the saddleback of Mt. X? How long did it take for them to become discontented with him, in his staunch unwillingness to change, to age, to die, to decay like the other kings they had seen? When had they abandoned him in the cave and when had the last of his people come to pay homage at his tomb? I didn’t ask him. He was tired. I let him sleep.